Sea Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 5DU

01903 243945

Ferring Church of England Primary School

An Inspiring Place to Grow, Believe and Achieve




At Ferring C of E Primary School children are aware of the importance of Mathematics in everyday life because, as well as teaching the National Curriculum objectives for each year group, we embed maths within engaging cross-curricular projects.     

We want our children to enjoy learning maths, which comes through a GROWING belief in their own ability to achieve successfully within the challenges they undertake.  In maths, we believe this is ACHIEVED when children are confidently fluent in their understanding of number and in their calculation skills.   With this confidence, they can apply what they know to reason and explain their thinking and to solve problems, developing mastery and accessing higher levels of understanding.

We want the children of Ferring C of E Primary School to view maths as absorbing, creative and valuable – with a passion to explore the world of number.  Through problem solving and investigation, we want them to develop the resilience, perseverance and independence.

Using our carefully sequenced delivery of the maths curriculum, we want our children to be ready to progress to the next stage of their learning, BELIEVING in their own ability to be successful mathematicians.   


At Ferring Primary School teachers plan maths lessons following the National Curriculum.  Maths is taught daily as a discrete lesson.  The use and secure understanding of maths knowledge and skills are also threaded through other areas of the curriculum in order to provide relevant opportunities to use and apply.  Each child has targets for key mathematical skills and is given daily opportunities to practise and achieve these.  Children learn using a range of resources, which support a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach guiding them through their understanding of mathematical processes.  Our Calculation Policy is used consistently across the school and provides sequential building of knowledge and skills in using and applying the four operations.  Children learn in differentiated small group and mixed ability whole class lessons.  Their progress in maths is carefully tracked through a range of assessment strategies to ensure teachers identify where children require support or challenge to assist their progress.  Timely intervention is provided by the class teacher or support staff to address any misconceptions or gaps in understanding to enable children to confidently progress towards their next lesson.  More confident mathematicians are challenged to show their mastery of maths concepts through investigations and problem solving tasks.  We use and select from a range of schemes of work including White Rose, Nrich Maths and MyMaths and use the Bar Modelling technique to encourage understanding of concrete and pictorial problems solving methods which further support the abstract understanding.  Resources, such as Numicon, are carefully selected to enable early understanding within maths and as a tool for intervention work. 

Children secure key number facts through our programme of mental maths challenges (including times tables awards/certificates, Times Tables Rock Stars and Sumdog competitions) progressing through levels so that number bonds and times tables facts are fluently recalled and applied.  Achievement is celebrated at all stages through school wide presentations and displays.  Children are motivated by the opportunity for recognition both in school and at home for successes along their maths learning journey.  

By engaging children in whole school challenges we maintain a high profile for the teaching and learning of maths.  Through cross-curricular practical activities we make maths relevant to children’s lived experiences.


Children at Ferring C of E Primary School confidently use a range of strategies and resources in line with our Calculation Policy, when tackling maths activities.  They make connections and apply mathematical knowledge both within maths lessons and across the curriculum.  They make good progress as measured from their individual starting points and the age related expectations of the National Curriculum.  Children are confident when talking about their maths learning and engage enthusiastically in maths activities – our children enjoy maths.  Children will be working at the correct stage of the Calculation Policy in order to be able to achieve at their stage of the National Curriculum.  The % of pupils working at ARE within each year group will be at least in line with national averages.  The % of pupils working at Greater Depth within each year group will be at least in line with national averages.  There will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. disadvantaged vs non-disadvantaged).