Sea Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 5DU

01903 243945

Ferring Church of England Primary School

An Inspiring Place to Grow, Believe and Achieve

Home Learning Holland Class


Contact Mr Swindells directly using the email address below:


Dear Parents and Carers of Year 1,


Please contact me directly, at any time, using the email address with any worries or concerns. I will reply to you as soon as I possibly can.


The children can still send me photos of their writing and how they have been getting busy with their learning at home. 

I will continue to update the links to various online activities for the children to access.

There will daily MyMaths tasks set for the week which can be accessed following the link

There are regular updates with new e-books set on Reading Planet with each child having a maximum of 3 allocated reading books to choose from.

There are daily online lessons from the government grant funded Oak Academy to access following the link

There are daily online lessons from the BBC that can be accessed following the link

Please also use this page to find links to other useful resources and websites that the children are familiar with in the classroom.

May I say thank you to everyone for your understanding and support during this time.

Have a great week and stay safe. Please remember to follow the guidelines set out by the Government and Public Health.

Kindest regards,

Mr Swindells


National Book Tokens - Big Dreamers - Story Competition

Follow the link to enter the National Book Tokens Big Dreamers Story Competition. Write a story about one of your dreams in no more than 300 words. You can send it onto me for help if you like. The competition deadline is 28th May 2020. You could win £200 in book tokens to refresh your home reading collection! Good luck Year 1!




Mrs Teakle has very kindly set up an online language resource called 'Languagenut'.
We started some French lessons in the classroom and this is for any children who would like to try and carry on.
Below is the link to the website. I can email out log on details to parents on request through the usual email address.

Mrs Teakle would love to hear what the children think of this so give it a go and let me know!


Thank you to Mrs Teakle!


Reading Planet

Mr Ryan and Miss Squires have very kindly set up a program online called 'Reading Planet' which is a library of e-books which your child can read online and take part in quizzes related to the book.

I will aim to regularly update reading books for your child to read.

Below is the link to the website. I will email out log on details to parents whose email details I already have. If you don't receive this before the end of the week give me a poke at: and I will forward details onto you. The school centre ID you need to use is: 210487

Thank you to Mr Ryan and Miss Squires


I had a parent request for Y1 children to access the Sumdog resource online. Mr Virgoe has very kindly added all of the Year 1 children onto the Sumdog website. They all have individual logins and can play games and learn at the same time. To access the website just email me at and I will send on individual login details to you. Thank you Mr Virgoe!

Government Support for Home Learning

To support the work of schools in delivering remote education, the Oak National Academy is due to launch on Monday 20 April. This brand-new enterprise has been created by 40 teachers from some of the leading schools across England, backed by government grant funding. It will provide 180 video lessons each week, across a broad range of subjects from maths to art to languages, for every year group from Reception through to Year 10.

Please follow the link below to access these resources -

BBC - New Online Home Learning

This week (Monday 20 April) the BBC is launching its own education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and some of the best teachers – helping to keep children learning and supporting parents.

Daily Workouts with Jump Start Jonny

Keep fit at home with a daily workout courtesy of Jump Start Jonny. Jonny will be live on YouTube every morning at 9:00 with an early workout. Join in and keep moving from home via the link below.

Phonics Read Write Inc

Follow the link to access the RWI interactive book for phonics sets 2 and 3. The sound chart is a good resource to practice sounds too.


In response to the ongoing situation, PhonicsPlay is now free to use.
Children can use the site at home without their parents needing to subscribe. To access the resources all you need to do is log on using the following details.

Username: march20
Password: home

If you haven’t already discovered you may also find these free decodable comics useful at a time when you can’t physically exchange your children’s reading books.


The Maths Factor - Pearson Education

The Maths Factor is an online Maths website started by Carol Vorderman and hosted by Pearson Education. Following the Government’s decision to implement widespread school closures across the UK to minimise the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). They will be making The Maths Factor FREE for everyone (usually about £2 per week) to support childrens’ continued learning at home for the duration of the UK Schools closure period. 

Join today following the link below.


Printable Resources

 A number of parents have requested printable resources for the children to access at home. Please see the link to the Twinkl page below.


Oxford Owl - Read Write Inc - Phonics

The children can access all of their phonics sounds via the Oxford Owl website. This is all based upon the scheme that the children follow at school. We would recommend that the children practice their sounds for 15 minutes a day. To help the children there are sound links to follow for each set of phonemes and graphemes.


Online books to follow the scheme can be accessed by following the link below.

You may be asked to register as a parent user to access these materials using a valid email address.


The Return of the Number Crew

The children can catch up with the number crew and set sail again with Bradley and his animal friends by following the link below and using the ‘Video’ button. Please beware... the children sing the songs and might use the catch phrases... “oh no, it’s all going wrong!”

I have had a request from one of the class to add some links to full Number Crew episodes. We can start with episode 1 and set sail again! Here goes...

Episode 1 - All Aboard

Episode 2 - The Welcome Meeting

Episode 3 - Storm and Sea Sickness (1)

Episode 4 - Numbers on the Doors

Episode 5 - The Party

Episode 7 - Storm and Sea Sickness (2)

Episode 8 - The Dancing Bear

Episode 9 - Drinks for All

Episode 10 - Do it for Charity

Episode 11 - The Big Slide

Episode 12 - The Treasure Hunt

Episode 13 - The Trouble with Crocodiles

Episode 14 - The Number Bugs Arrive

Episode 15 - Hunting for Bunting

Episode 16 - The Roller Coaster (Part 1)

Episode 17 - The Roller Coaster (Part 2)

Episode 27 - Pawprints on the tiles

Episode 28 - Tiling with Style


Keeping up with the NumberJacks

The children can keep up with the adventures of the NumberJacks here and help solve the problems caused by the Spooky Spoon, the NumberTaker and the Shape Changer.

Episode 20 “The Container Drainer” sees the return of the Puzzler doing his best to confuse the world!

Episode 21 "Tens Moments" sees 1 and 0 get together to make 10 and cause havoc in the town!

Episode 22 "3 Things Good" watch out for an appearance from our old friend the Shape Shaper causing more problems for the NumberJacks to solve.

Episode 23 "Say What You Mean" Watch out for the new villain! The Problem Blob is doing his best to make things go wrong.

Episode 24 "One Won" - A return from the creepy Number Taker. Can the NumberJacks stop this fiendish villain in his tracks?

Episode 25 "Tricky Sixes" - The Number Taker is back again playing tricks on six! Will he get away again? Bring on the NumberJacks...

Episode 26 "May the fours be with you" - Welcome back to the summer term with a visit from the Shape Shaper.

Episode 27 "Best Estimate" - The Problem Blob makes things go wrong when people can't estimate - 5 to the rescue.

Episode 28 "On and Off" - 4 goes into battle with our old foe Spooky Spoon. Can 4 save the day?

Episode 29 "Zero the Hero" - 0 to the rescue when just for once, the NumberJacks are the problem, not the answer!

Phonics with the Alphablocks

Please use the links below to refresh on Series 4 of the Alphablocks

Episode 1 - Four

Episode 2 - Clap

Episode 3 - Plusman

Episode 4 - Alphabet

Episode 5 - Name

Episode 6 - Sleep

Episode 7 - Mine

Episode 8 - Home

Episode 9 - Blue

Episode 10 - Outlaw


Weekly Resources from Twinkl

There are a number of Home Learning resources that have been made available through the Twinkl website. Some are printable and not interactive so please be aware that I would not expect anyone to incur any unnecessary printing costs and these are set up as another option for parents to access materials for your children.

Teachers, parents and carers in the UK can get access to Twinkl by visiting and entering the code UKTWINKLHELPS.


Please use the logon details in the back of Home Learning books to log onto your child's personal MyMaths account. Work will be set each week along with extra links to support your child's learning. You can access MyMaths by following the link below.

Children will need an adult to help reading through some of these materials.

Multiplication - How to use arrays.




The BBC have increased their home learning content through the i-Player and children can access Go-Jetters, Alphablocks, Numberblocks and much more via the link below.


Songs to Sing at Home

We love to sing in class and here are a few songs for the children to carry on with at home. Parents, please be careful as they do tend to remain in your head for a while! Enjoy a singalong with your children!

Doctor Knickerbocker

She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain

Days of the Week 

Months of the Year

Previous Home Learning:

To find the Home Learning from w/b 11/5/2020 please click HERE.

To find the Home Learning from w/b 4/5/2020 please click HERE.

To find the Home Learning from w/b 27/4/2020 please click HERE.

To find the Home Learning from w/b 20/4/2020 please click HERE.

To find the Home Learning activities from the Easter Holiday please click HERE.

To find the Home Learning from w/b 30/3/2020 please click HERE.

To find the Home Learning from w/b 23/3/2020 please click HERE.