Sea Lane, Worthing, West Sussex, BN12 5DU

01903 243945

Ferring Church of England Primary School

An Inspiring Place to Grow, Believe and Achieve

Welcome to the Year 2 Geography Home Learning Page



Activity 1 - Finding Oceans on a Map

National Curriculum: 1b: Name and locate the world’s 7 continents and 5 oceans. 

Resources: '5 Oceans Worksheet', '7 Continents Worksheet'

Activity: Can your child locate all 5 oceans on a world map? Get familiar with the world map and just start having a look at it and answer questions they may have. Can they locate England, where we live? Can they locate the Amazon Rainforest or Antarctica? You can use the ‘5 Oceans Worksheet’ which is at the bottom of the website in the resource section.
If you would like to extend your child further, see if they can locate the 7 continents in the world. You can use the ‘7 continents Worksheet’ which is at the bottom of the website in the resource section.
I would suggest learning 2-3 oceans and continents a day and slowly learning where they are on the map. This way it will cement it into their long term memory.  


Activity 2 - How Do People Affect the Sea?

National Curriculum: Pupils should develop knowledge about the world. 

Resources: 'Over Fishing PowerPoint' 

Activity: Research and look at how people affect the sea: Focus on pollution and over fishing.  Ask your child what will happen if there is too much fishing? Attached you will find an ‘Over Fishing PowerPoint’ which is a fantastic aid for over fishing.


Activity 3 - Promote not over fishing and polluting the sea

National Curriculum: Pupils should develop knowledge about the world. 

Activity: Make posters to promote not over fishing and/or pollution in the sea. Try to include key facts that will persuade people not to over fish and not to pollute our seas. How could people stop this? What can they do in their home to prevent it? Why should they stop? What will happen if people don’t stop?